Friday, January 19, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, I want everyone to know that today, for me, is New Year's Day. It's not, however, due to my being of Chinese descent or anything like that, but because today was a momentous day in my life. As a matter of fact, without this day, I wouldn't have life. Yes, today is my birthday. I love birthdays and mine is a big deal to me, whether or not anyone ELSE thinks it's a big deal is another story altogether. Without this day, (31 years ago), my husband would be short 1 wife, my son wouldn't exist, my friends would not laugh as much, and my church would miss me and not even know it!! LOL ;) I may not be God's gift to men, music, or whatever, but I think God did give me to a very special lady - my Momma. (BTW-Mom, did I mention that I wanted Gucci bath products??? LOL) JK!!!! I love you, Mom and I wouldn't be here without you, so I'm especially thankful for you on today, my birthday. You are a wonderful, beautiful person and awesome "Granny"! :D
Don't even ASK about my diet today! I've already received some "encouragement" from a friend to stay on task with my diet today, but all I really want for my birthday is a PB&J. So, that's what I'm having, even as a write. *tap!* *tap!* *chew!* *chew!* LOL I'll have spinach for breakfast tomorrow to make up for it.
So, the moral of the story today is, even if you can't be WITH me - CELEBRATE this very wonderful day! (Someday it will be a National Holiday.)


  1. I'll be the first to put on your blog..HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ms. CREAMSTINA!!!! =)
    Love ya

  2. I'll be the first on your blog to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ms CREAMSTINA!!!!
    Love ya

  3. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Chris,
    Happy Birthday to you

  4. Happy Birthday Love!

  5. Thanks everyone! I've had a wonderful day and you all have helped make it that way!

  6. mjm92376I hope your day was great!! And if I am the friend who was encouraging you to stay on task....WELLL, it was ALL tongue-in-cheek, 'cuz I NEVER stay on a diet on my birthday OR HOLIDAYS!!!

    Love ya bunches my friend!!!!!! BTW, "creamstina"???? I just think of you as "giggles", always have, always will!!! :)
