Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rapid Weight Loss Report - Day 4

I have lost some weight, but I don't really like weighing myself. I have avoided the scale for so many years, I just wince at the thought of having to step on it! Although I did weigh yesterday and today, I think I will steer clear until my doctor appointment on Tuesday. I'm too traumatized by everything right now to see if I have or haven't lost another pound. Ugh! I have a yucky drainage bag attached to my insides that's supposed to help with leak detection, but I can't WAIT to get it out! It comes out on Tuesday at the doctor appointment. They say it's not terribly painful to get it out, but I'm not sure they KNOW! It's the whole "pressure" thing. You're about to feel some "pressure", then WHAM! lol Anyway, I'm doing good, just trying to stay busy and not focus on my lack of food! =D I can't do much because I have to stay close to home and have a teensy, tiny bit of protein shake every hour. If I don't, well, I get quite weak. It's kind of a catch 22... Other than that, things are GRAND. Today is my 11th wedding anniversary, so Happy Anniversary, Ralph!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear you are on the road to recovery...
    Just imagine that BLAM body you're gonna have =)
    "CREAM"stina will be back in business lol!
    Love you girl!
