Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rapid Weight Loss Report - Day 21

Well, I am able to eat soft solids now and string cheese never TASTED more delicious! LOL I had some pasta fagioli soup at Olive Garden yesterday and today I've had low-sugar yogurt and string cheese. I'm eating like royalty now! It feels that way anyway, after being so restricted. I'm going to cook for my poor, neglected family tonight and I'm really looking forward to feeding them again. I'm making chicken tacos with beans and rice and I hope they love it as much as I will love preparing it for them. (I can eat a little chicken and beans, but it's better than NOTHING!) So, now I'm trying to figure out things that I can make for dinner that include the limited ingredients I'm allowed to eat while not depriving my boys any more of eating homemade goodness. I WISH I liked tuna casserole! BLECH! I just don't. In a few more days, I'll be able to have any white fish, so we may grill some halibut, veggies, with a little brown rice on the side. If you have any suggestions on how else I can make canned chicken into a terrific meal, my ears are OPEN! Actually, it would be my EYES are open, since I'll be READING your reply! Bonjour! P.S. I'VE LOST ABOUT A POUND A DAY... 21 so far and counting!


  1. congratulations my friend! I just wish it could of been this easy without the surgery...well, you could of had your teeth wired
    Can Chicken! well, chicken enchiladas without the sause just put cheese on top and bake it. If you can have pasta, just do a pasta salad..pasta, chicken and some veggies in there...I don't know what you can and cannot have so there you are. Can chicken's not so bad, I usually eat it warmed with seasoning as a side with veggies and cottage cheese when i'm trying to lose a few pounds. Good luck!

  2. Wow! 21 pounds! I'm sure it hasn't been fun or easy, but at least you're seeing results. It would be awful if you had to go through all this and the weight didn't come off!

    I'm with you on tuna casserole - I made it ONCE when we were first married and realized why my Mom never made it for our family!

  3. Thanks, y'all! Kathy: I was worried the weight wasn't coming off like it was supposed to, but I suppose I'll just have to be happy with a pound a day. If I can build enough strength to run the way you do, I'd be SET!

  4. Hey Chris... I haven't stopped by ur blog in a looong time. Congrats on the changes you're making... That's awesome.

    FYI.... Avoid rice for a while... it will swell in your stomach after you eat it, and you won't have any room for it to swell up. There were some other things my mom went thru, but I don't recall all of 'em. I'll have her get on here and pass some info on.

    But I'm glad you're doing well. Tell RAaAaAaAaAaLLLLFFFFFF I said Hi! (That scream is a la corn maze in case you forgot)

  5. Oh, my dear Andy, how could I EVER forget that night in the corn maze! I was positively terrified and you guys were hilarious, making fun of my screams for my hubby! That was soooo fun! Also, you and your brother remind me EVERY time I see y'all! hehehe... Good times, though! Really!!
