Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rapid Weight Loss Report - Day 64

Well, I've lost about 50 pounds. (I say "about", because I only weigh myself once a week, so it's probably more now that I haven't weighed in 5 or so days.) I feel terrific and I seem to be completely recovered from the immediate hardships I was having. It's a great feeling. I HAD to buy something to wear to church last night, because I wasn't just saying it to be moody that I didn't have a thing to wear! LOL It's for realsies, folks! Anyhoo, I guess wearing something that fits me was quite surprising, because many thought I had actually been able to lose another 20 pounds between this past Sunday and last night. HAHA! Nope. Just clothes that fit. Anyway, here's a picture update, even though I'm a couple of days late for the "2 month mark". See y'all around and round! =D


  1. You look GREAT!! You did at your house, too, this past weekend! Thank you again for letting me be a part of your lil sell! :) Keep up that rest and drinking your water. =)

  2. Too sexy for comments said, really girl you are looking great! remember to drink, drink drink,your H 2 0 and eat your protein and you will achieve!

    Former BIG Girl,


  3. Hey - next month you need to post your "before" picture next to your most recent picture like they do in magazines! The difference is amazing, girl!

  4. MaMa Mia....Honey, you know you be looking mighty fine! I'm girding my loins, jumping on the ban wagon and trying not to let you pass me up...hahahahaha

  5. Thats cool! What are you doing to lose weight?
